$597.00 CAD

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LIVE - Core Confidence Specialist Certification - Ottawa ON - September 2024

Introduction - 4 lessons
Core Anatomy Function - 4 lessons
​The Diaphragm - 2 lessons
The Pelvic Floor - 6 lessons
The Transversus Abdominis - 3 lessons
The Multifidus - 2 lessons
Other Core Muscles - 3 lessons
Common Causes of Core Dysfunction - 1 lesson
Common Types of Core Dysfunction - 15 lessons
Assessments - 16 lessons
Releasing Non Optimal Strategies - 9 lessons
Return to Fitness - 27 lessons
FAQ and Summary - 1 lesson
Business - 1 lesson
Exam and Case Study

So glad to have taken this course. It's changed the way I assess and train my clients. Highly recommended for ALL trainers!

Reena Parekh

Having worked in the fitness industry for over 16 years I have participated in many courses. This certification is HIGHLY needed in our industry! Finally a course that ACTUALLY teaches you what you need to know when working with women in the prenatal/postnatal period. If you are wanting to work with pregnant women then you definitely don't want to miss out on this course!

Amanda DeGrace

The course was very informative, which I really like as there is a a lot of content. I enjoyed the visuals, videos, and quizzes throughout the course. Lots of new information on how to work with pregnant moms, as there is a lot of modifications for a pre/post natal client. The book went hand in hand with the course. Overall a very informative course and book. I really enjoyed all the concepts as everything tied together.

Sandy Co