⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Over 6,000 women helped
Overcome Incontinence & Pelvic Floor Dysfunction With Short, Daily Workouts.
Learn how thousands of women have reversed incontience, re-trained an overactive bladder, and reduced prolapse symptoms with short, daily 10 minute workouts.
What Is the Buff Muff App?
The Buff Muff app is a collection short, daily follow-along workouts based on the latest research in Pelvic Health. It's been used by over 6,000 women and achieved incredible results.
Not only will you have access to the daily workouts, you'll also get a library of pelvic health education, meal plans, expert interview recordings and a weekly group call with Kim Vopni - the Vagina Coach.
Typically, women experience an improvement in pelvic organ prolapse & leaky bladder symptoms in 2 weeks, and see a full reversal of symptoms in 8 weeks with consistent adherence to the workouts.
Leaky Bladder & Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms Are No Longer Something You Need To Accept.
If you're one of the many women struggling with:
❌ pelvic organ prolapse,
❌ a leaky bladder,
❌ urinary urgency or overactive bladder
...then you now have a solution at your fingertips.
Sadly, so many women don't realize that there are natural, effective ways to overcome pelvic floor dysfunction - without surgery.
Being uncomfortable, frustrated, or embarrassed is no longer something you need to live with.
Living a life without limits, and with freedom and joy is possible!
So what's the solution?
When I was developed a leaky bladder and diagnosed with a stage 2 Uterine Prolapse, I was determined to find a way to solve this naturally.
I trained with pelvic health physiotherapists, urogynecologists and fitness professionals and combined the principles of fitness with the latest research on pelvic health.
The most effective treatments I found, which have worked for me, and over 6,000 of my students were...
✅ Buff Muff Exercises Pelvic Floor Muscle Training COMBINED with full body strength training - Far more effective than Kegels alone.
✅ The Hypopressive Method A powerful and unique technique that literally helps lift our organs, improve our posture and strengthen our core/pelvic floor).
✅ Lifestyle changes - Reducing inflammation through diet and avoiding alcohol, hormone balance, bladder training and prioritizing sleep.
✅ Consistency - 2 weeks of buff muff exercises can cut your symptoms in half. Most students see a complete reversal in symptoms in 8-12 weeks.
✅ Community - doing this together is WAAAAAY better than doing it alone. Plus you have your very own vagina coach!
The 9 Surprising Benefits of Buff Muff Exercises
Here are the top benefits I've heard from a recent survey of my students:
✅ Dramatic & full reversal of leaky bladder and prolapse symptoms
✅ Improved heart, bone & joint health - their doctors notice this! Especially if you follow the meal plans.
✅ Improved mood - less stress, and more joy (the effects of simple, short, daily exercises and a supportive community!)
✅ Improved hormone regulation (especially if meal plans are followed)
✅ No more need for a gym membership or nutrition consulting - time and money saved!
✅ No more wearing pads or period underwear - leaks are gone. This will save you thousands of dollars a year
✅ Fewer menopause symptoms - Goodbye hot flashes, vaginal dryness and night sweats
✅ Stronger - more toned body
✅ Better sleep - no more waking to pee
⭐ Introducing: The Buff Muff Guarantee⭐
After teaching these exercises and lifestyle changes to thousands of women around the world, and receiving success stories every month, I decided to create a 30-Day Guarantee.
If you join my program, and commit to the exercises and lifestyle changes and you don't experience an improvement in symptoms...
I'll offer you a full refund. No questions asked.
At the end of the day, I want you to be successful and if my program doesn't work - then there's no point in me keeping your money.
Get 3 Months Free When You Choose A Yearly Membership
Join Before the 1st of the month to get access to the Buff Muff Challenge.

(Equivalent of $20.58/month)
- Library of pelvic health education videos
- Access to the Buff Muff Challenge Every Month
- Access a Library of 75+ follow along workout videos
- Community support forum
- Library of easy and delicious meal plans with recipes
- Weekly live coaching calls with me!
Rather Pay Monthly? Click here to join at $27/Month