Post-Op Recovery Week 2 - Rectocele Repair - Prolapse Surgery
Dec 28, 2020All in all recovery from prolapse surgery has been easier than I had anticipated. Sensations vary from day to day which means my emotions and anxiety does too! Here is a recap of my second-week post-op.
Pain and Discomfort
I was off pain meds at the start of my second week and I no longer had the pressure pain when I felt a bowel movement coming on. I had stopped doing my sitz baths but added them back in later due to the discomfort in my perineum. I have a couple of spots that are really tender. I also notice a pulling sensation when I sit in certain positions and when I wipe after a BM. The sitz baths and red light therapy and polysporin have helped.
Walking and Restorative Exercise
I have been a bit more active - went for 3 decent walks this week. After the first one, I felt ready to sit and my vagina was a bit achy. I took the next day off and then did another one followed by a day of rest. My pace was slower but it felt good to move and be out in the fresh air.
I am doing the Core Confidence Exercise Program for my recovery. I initially designed it with my partners in Bellies Inc for postpartum recovery but we recognized its applicability to anyone needing to retrain their core. I started with just breathing and visualizing my pelvic floor action in week 1 and then added in a few voluntary pelvic floor activations in week 2. I also added in some pelvic tilts and bridges. I usually do 1-2 sets of 10 in the morning and on occasion, I would do another set later in the day.
It is too early to get a true assessment of the change in symptoms. I do notice that I don't feel like there is something in my vagina when I bend or stand in certain positions but I do have other sensations in there now which I am attributing to the incision. My poops come out straighter!
Intercourse is off-limits for 6 weeks and I anticipate the first few times to be a bit uncomfortable. I bought some CBD lube from Foria in anticipation.
Thoughts and Emotions
I have up and down emotions. Every little symptom has me thinking and analyzing (the downside of knowing too much) and I try to be patient and recognize I am still healing. I of course question my decision daily and am hopeful that it will be a positive outcome in the end. I viewed the surgery as an opportunity to best support my other organs given that a pessary was not in the cards for me prior to surgery. My goals are to be able to use a pessary when/if needed, have pain-free sex and have at least a 50% improvement in the symptoms that were interfering with my life. Of course, 100% elimination of symptoms is ideal but I know that may not be realistic.
Once I hit the 6-week mark I will be back using vaginal estrogen and will be seeing my physio around 8 weeks. I will return to my full hypopressive workouts and will begin progressive loading of my glutes and legs along with release work. I have definitely developed gripping tendencies over the last several years.
My word for 2021 will be - soften.
Pelvic Surgery Success Program
Are you considering surgery as an option to feel like yourself again?
Pelvic Surgery Success is a one-of-a-kind program that will take you from feeling depressed, anxious, and consumed by fear of surgery to informed, confident and calm so you can put your nagging symptoms behind you and get back to living life with spontaneity and joy!
Follow my journey in my blog posts:
- Preparing For A Rectocele Repair – Prolapse Surgery
- Riding The Rollercoaster of Emotions – The Days Before Prolapse Surgery
- Post-Op Recovery The first few days - Prolapse Surgery - Rectocele Repair
- Post-Op Recovery Week 2 - Rectocele Repair - Prolapse Surgery
- Post-Op Recovery Week 3 - Rectocele Repair - Prolapse Surgery
- Post-Op Recovery Week 4 - Rectocele Repair - Prolapse Surgery
- Post-Op Recovery Week 5 - Prolapse Surgery - Rectocele Repair
- Post-Op Recovery Week 6 - Rectocele Repair - Prolapse Surgery
- Post-Op Recovery Week 7 - Rectocele Repair - Prolapse Surgery Check-In With My Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist