Your Core and Pelvic Floor core and pelvic floor core breath core building exercises core confidence neutral pelvis spine May 28, 2022

Your core is probably the most impacted part of your body during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Yet, it gets little to no attention.  

Most people think of the core as being the six-pack and the low back; they are correct, to an extent, but let’s look a little bit deeper than that.


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What you need to know about Pelvic Organ Prolapse 28 day buff muff challenge childbirth hypopressive method neutral pelvis pelvic floor physiotherapist pelvic organ prolapse pregnancy Dec 21, 2019

When you give birth you are expecting a baby to come out, and then the placenta. Not many moms are expecting their bladder or uterus to come out (pelvic organ prolapse) – most don’t even know this is possible.

Pregnancy and childbirth are risk factors for a condition known as pelvic...

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