Can I Do Kegels On My Period? buff muff kegel mojo kegels menopause menstruating menstruation pelvic floor pelvic floor physiotherapy perimenopause women's health Mar 02, 2020

A Look at Pelvic Floor Exercise Throughout the Menstrual Cycle

While you may not feel like it, you absolutely can do kegels while on your period.  Your sense of motivation may be lower and your perception of ‘engaging’ the muscles may also be less but that doesn’t mean the...

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"MUM BUM" and Why you Can't Blame the Jeans buff muff app exercises mum bum postpartum Jan 14, 2020

5 Ways to Get Your Bum Back After Pregnancy

During pregnancy your centre of gravity shifts and many women try to counterbalance that shift by tucking their tailbone, overusing the posterior pelvic floor muscles and under-using the glutes.

This result is a flattened backside that can’t fill...

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Cues To Help you Connect with your Core & Pelvic Floor - Jellyfish and Blueberries 28 day challenge core core and pelvic floor exhale jellyfish pelvic floor visualization Jan 13, 2020

When I was first learning about the pelvic floor and core work I would ask every course instructor what their best core cue was. The answer was never what I was hoping for – ‘it depends’ they would say. Ten years later and I am now the person saying ‘it...

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Breathe, Breastfeed and Bathe - Helping Heal your Postparum Body bathe breastfeed breathe core breathe healing postpartum body recovery time Jan 12, 2020

Three Key Components of Postpartum Care

Aside from sleeping, eating, and drinking a ton of water, this is all you should be focused on after your babe is born:

  • Breathe into your body to send healing oxygen around
  • Breastfeed and bond with your new baby
  • Relax in warm baths filled with...
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Pelvic Floor Physio - JUST DO IT! buff muff just do it pelvic floor physio pregnancy restoring core comfidence self-care Jan 12, 2020

Make Your Pelvic Health a Priority!

I recently received an email from a fellow entrepreneur who wanted to book a session with me because she is unhappy with her tummy and she has back pain.

She wrote:

I've been wearing my wrap lately b/c my belly is out of control.  Baby weight...

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The Key(s) to Great Sex After Baby core and pelvic floor guidelines for sex after baby pelvic floor exercises pelvic floor physiotherapist Jan 10, 2020

Four Guidelines for Sex After Baby

Having sex for the first time after having a baby is a bit like, well, having sex for the very first time ever!

  • What will it feel like?
  • Will it hurt?
  • Will my partner enjoy it? 

After babe, having sex for the first time comes with a whole new set of fears...

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How Dads Can Best Support New Moms appreciation bonding buff muff app encourage parenthood support for mom Jan 09, 2020

Some Advice for New Dads

Bringing home a new baby can be overwhelming for parents and in particular for dads, who are unsure of how to care for their new child and how to best support their partner. 

Most are sure they want to bond, and to help, but are unsure of exactly how. They can be...

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Prenatal Exercise - Heart Healthy Tips for Safe Exercise while Pregnant birth prepararation induced labour pelvic exercise perineal massage in pregnancy postpartum prenatal Jan 08, 2020

How to Exercise While Pregnant

Everyone knows the benefits of exercise. Pregnancy is a time when exercise is key, not only for mom but for the benefit of babe' too! 

How Exercise Benefits Your Baby

An exercise physiologist named Linda May looked at the benefits of exercise on the fetuses of...

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Spotlight on PFILATES - NOPE, not a Typo core breath dr. crawford kegels pelvic floor pelvic floor exercises pfilates pilates Jan 07, 2020

Pelvic Floor Pilates

Pfilates (no, that is not a typo) is a great program to help train your pelvic floor. When you add in core breathing, you have a fantastic way to improve and maintain a stronger pelvic floor for life.

We want our pelvic floor to be functional during times of rest...

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One Woman's Perspective on Preparing for Birth with Exercise 28 day buff muff challenge birth prepararation kegels and pregnancy pelvic floor Jan 06, 2020

Some Thoughts From a Past Client

This week I am sharing some thoughts from a past client, so that you might see how pelvic health programs can really help empower women.

I met Rebekah about two years ago through Coaching Discovery Call. She is now pregnant with her second child and I recently...

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